Sunday 28 December 2008

The New Browser Google Chorme

OK today I'm going to share a new 2008 browser called 'Google Chrome' and also made by Google. This browser can customize nearly anything but I don't know if this browser have any add-on like Firefox or opera something like that. If we compared Safari, Firefox, IE and Chrome in a graph, we can see which browser is the best. I'm sorry but, I have not got the graph. So, I'm have to say which want the best. It is Google Chrome. if you wish to see the graph click here. You will be amazed because like apple made safari and chrome made by Google, Apple company is really rich but there still got beat by Chrome. Chrome can do lot of thing what ever you want to do with it, you have. I try this program before but it is actually quite slow because my computer a bit slow but, when I first used it , it was really fast than any browser that i used before. Now I used Opera because there a new beta version 6.9. If you wish to install this program please click here.

That all for today bye. :)

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